eHealth2022 - Call for Abstracts
#eHealth2022, the 27th Finnish National Conference on Telemedicine and eHealth
Main theme: Digital Health & Welfare - from Research to Applied Solutions
A cruising conference on route Helsinki – Stockholm – Helsinki, 28.-30.9.2022
The conference has both sessions in English and in Finnish. However, submit your abstract in English. Call for abstracts is 14.3. - 7.6.2022. Notification of acceptance is 20.6.2022.
There will be both five minutes oral presentations and common paper posters. The paper poster format is A1 or A0. Abstracts chosen as posters should be prepared by the presenter.
At least one of the authors must register as a conference participant and present the abstract either in oral session or as a poster in the poster session (NOTE! Early bird fees are applicable for all accepted abstract authors).
Accepted abstracts will be published in Conference Book. The best abstracts are invited to be published as full papers in a special #eHealth2022 issue of Finnish Journal of eHealth and eWelfare.
Create first your abstract in word-format to see lenght of text, then copy-paste into the web-form as instructed.
Leave your abstract and other necessary information with webform here.
For more information, see the model of abstract or please contact:
Pirkko Kouri, Chair of Scientific Committee
email: Tämä sähköpostiosoite on suojattu spamboteilta. Tarvitset JavaScript-tuen nähdäksesi sen.
Mobile phone: +358 44 347 8422