29th #eHealth2024 international conference - From Research to Impact on Digital Health and Welfare Services
Official Conference site: https://events.tuni.fi/ehealth2024-en/
- Information and registration
- Abstract call!
- Latest version of program
29th #eHealth2024 CONFERENCE THEMES
From research to impact in digital health and welfare services |
Sessio 1. From research to impact in digital health and welfare services |
2a Artificial Inteligence |
2b Digitaaliset vastaanotot |
3a CyberSecurity and Regulations |
3b Osaaminen muutoksen mahdollistajana |
4a Uptake and impact of digitalization |
4b Päätöksenteon tuki ja Tekoäly käytännössä |
5. Introductions to Digital and eHealth Economics |
Gallery Walk Presenting Digital Health Cases |
6a Data Access and Data Quality |
6b Digiratkaisujen vaikutukset Sotealalla |
7. Regional Health Services Models in Practice |